Good morning everyone. A very chilly 3 degrees here this morning. The stars twinkle more brightly than ever. First light is coming over the ridge. Today we pause to remember the events at Pearl Harbor. On the way home from work yesterday I had a myopic driver on my tail and was thinking of a bumper sticker I would like to put on my truck, “Slow down…Life is fragile.” I should thank that driver sometime for reminding me of what I value most.
Bruce and I are pounding along, literally, on Mary’s new shed. The walls are all framed up. The building takes a little more form. Mary warmed the day with steaming hot blueberry muffins for coffee break. I told Mary she could start moving the wood in any time she wanted. We are all taking a day to attend to our other jobs. Bruce is a caretaker of a small island summer cottage while Jen and I have a meeting this morning. We will get to the rafters and roofing next week. We are having fun and that makes the chilly days as warm as Mary’s muffins. If you have ever had a chance to sail with Bruce you know he is full of stories. Ask him to tell you the one about the chalk line.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.