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Only one more day,me Johnnies

Good morning everyone. We had a very busy and productive day yesterday. The spars received a coat of varnish and they look awesome. Only 2 more coats to go. The crew finished sanding the bulwarks and the some final adjustments were made to the winter mooring lines. I dove on (or should I say under) the schooner to change the sacrificial zincs that protect all the underwater metal work. I also inspected the chains that the mooring lines are attached to. It all looks good. Just as I got out of the water the trailer supply store called to tell me the springs were in, so once again, we sped home, changed the springs like an Indy pit crew, and sped back to the harbor to pull Arno on the top of the tide. We left the boat in Camden so we could get a chance to winterize and pressure wash the bottom.

Today is the final day for Sara and Hannah. This is always a sad day for me. These are good people and I am lucky to know them and work with them. They have given so much to the boat, way beyond the call of duty at times. Hannah, I will miss your smile and laughter. Sara is off to have fun on the left coast and work towards her CG masters license. We have not seen the last of Sara. I wish them both fair winds and great adventures.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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