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Winter Has Arrived

Good morning everyone. It is a whopping 10 degrees out this morning here at the global headquarters for Schooner Mary Day. I recently talked with a young lady from Austin, TX and she told me they have had snow and cooler temps there as well. I for one am glad to see the snow arrive although it settled upon the earth that had nary a few inches of frost in the dirt. The plow on my truck pushes more than just snow even with my best attempts to keep it a few inches off the ground.

This photo by Meg Maiden shows the scene here last Wednesday. It was just wild with storm warnings in the Bay. The No’easter blew with a will and what that wind didn’t get the No’wester behind it did. Katie and I were aboard on Tuesday making sure all was right. Even though we were safe on shore with heavy mooring lines holding the schooner secure we still braced ourselves for electric lines to be knocked out, oil lamps filled and drawn buckets of water. All passed without incident and we are back to normal operational status. You can see in this photo by the mast head tell tales that the wind is north east and the point of land that extends down Sea St. blocks the worst of the buffeting gusts. The vessels still heel just from the windage on the mast heads. Low tide is at 1300 today so I will get a chance to look things over. We get aboard by simply walking down the beach and stepping onto the remaining floats at the end of the dock system that can be seen in lower part of the picture.

We sent out our annual calendars this week so if you did not get one and would like one just drop us an email and we can send one right out. Jim Dugan’s photo is quite amazing.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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