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A Fall Harvest

Good Afternoon! It‚Äôs hard to believe that Fall is just a few days away, but the frost on the pumpkin this morning proved it’s timing is just right. Trees are starting to show their fall colors, pumpkins in the fields are bright orange, mums are in full bloom as well as apple trees loaded with ripe fruit just waiting to be picked. Today is the day for us to harvest our plums! This was a great summer for the plum tree and with this harvest comes one of Mary‚Äôs recipes! This recipe can be used for apples as well.

Plum Fruit Torte

¾ cup sugar ½ cup butter 2 eggs fruit (can be plums or apples) 1 cup flour 1 tsp baking powder pinch of salt 1 tsp lemon juice 2 tsp of sugar/cinnamon mixed together Cream butter and sugar well. Add eggs, mix then add sifted flour, baking powder and salt. Pour in a 9” spring form pan. Cover surface with fruit slices. Sprinkle top with lemon juice, sugar and cinnamon. Bake @ 350° Serve with a dollop of whip cream an ENJOY!

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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