The Guardians of
The Schooner Mary Day

As guardians of the Mary Day we take pride in hosting guests from all over to share not only our love of Mary Day but the Maine coast as well. Become a part of our windjammer family so the next time you come aboard, you know your home.
Rest assured that you will be in the care of widely experienced professionals when you sail on Mary Day. As Captain, Barry King is a Coast Guard licensed master and both have extensive sailing and educational backgrounds. Barry has voyaged to Bermuda, the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and along the Canadian maritimes to Newfoundland.
Barry is a Registered Maine Guide, a Wilderness EMT, volunteer fire fighter, as well as alpine ski coach. “Jack of all trades, master of none” he is often describe as. Barry has worked aboard yachts, a World War II tugboat and also sailed as an officer aboard the 1877 barque Elissa. Jen’s sailing career took her to Florida and the Bahamas before becoming captain of Figaro IV, a classic ocean racing yacht, here on the Maine coast. Small boat restoration is one of her many passions, often heard saying, “it’s all in the details”.
Jen and Barry met as students with the Audubon Society’s Expedition Institute while earning master degrees in experiential environmental education. This program gave them in-depth experience in a diversity of human and natural communities ranging from a sub-artic fishing village in Labrador to the native American desert southwest. Barry and Jen live year round in Maine with their children Sawyer and Courtney. Combining their enthusiasm for people, wilderness, and beautiful traditional sailing vessels, Barry, Jen, Sawyer and Courtney will be happy to welcome you aboard.
Meet the family of
The Schooner Mary Day

Quarterdeck Philosopher
“Look to this day; For it is life, the very life of life..”
Often recited by Barry, this sanskrit proverb is the philosophy of which he breathes. Passionate of not only the tangible world around him, but the connectivity of it all. He strives to keep harmony with people and nature through his spiritedness of just being real and authentic. “What could possibly go wrong?”
Barry King
Jen Martin
Shoreside Cordinator/Owner/Guardian

Macro Momma
Jen sees the world through a macro lens, often paying attention to the teensy-weensy details others brush aside. She enjoys guiding others in seeing “macro-ly” to really experience the beautiful world we live in. Home is where her heart is and she strives to make the schooner a home where everyone feels welcome.

Creator of all Things Grease & Metal
Sawyer possesses a unique set of skills; marrying grease, metal, functionality, and art all in one. Growing up on Mary Day, learning to improvise was his biggest lesson. That life lesson is now
leading him to work on the ocean in a bigger capacity as 3rd engineer onboard RV Atlantis. Sawyer is a huge part of our maintenance crew as he is often the one crafting something new or welding something old for Mary Day. A proud Kinglet, he too shares his passion for caretaking for others.
Sawyer King
Maintenance Crew/Marine Engineer

Sun & Snow Vixen
Nadie’s true appreciation of life is expressed through her talents in sports as well as her compassion for others. With a healthy blend of spunk, vitality, creativity and determination she is well on her way to finding that special happy place within the marine world. Her artistic touches grace the Mary Day through gilded stringed melodies. Nadie’s passion towards making the world a better place is rooted from her windjammer youth of having to think unconventionally and inventively to form kindhearted solutions.
Courtney King (aka Nadie)
Details Specialist/Marine Sciences Student​
Crew Morale Booster

Sailor in Training
Yuki-Una, a gentle mellow yellow lab pup who has just joined our family. She has big paws to fill in her role as Crew Morale Booster and is currently in training, with daily visits to the shop for crew time. Una will be learning the ropes shoreside this year with a few visits to the schooner for line handling and schooner safety training. A true water dog she is and will be happy to lead the charge come swim time!
Headquarters PITA

Conditional Lover
Tester of patience, door hardware, bedding materials and all varieties of snacks, alive or dead.
Youngest of the Mary Day crew, he has yet to depart command headquarters to experience windjamming at its finest. If you are wondering can cats walk on water, Alpine can and has! Fearful of the tantalizing breeze that ruffles his manly demeanor, he has neglected to take his position as the official Mary Day feline on board, as three previous cats have. Perhaps the name we gave him steered him in the other direction?