Good morning everyone. Jen and I are listening to the sounds of darkness on this stormy morning. The wind is whistling through the cracks in this old barn we live in. The tree tops provide the constant deep drone to the whistles. Our tin roof is the tympani as heavy rain pelts down. On this particular morning I am glad to be snug here in “Winter Harbor”. The mooring lines in this harbor are, I am sure, holding tight. The GPS indicates that the house hasn’t moved… too much. Visual bearings on the big hemlock in the drive, the oak by the chicken coop, and the southwest corner of the barn confirm that all is well. The watch is never over.
I think this will be an office day as we get ready to send out the fall newsletter. If you have sailed with us recently and you did not get the e-newsletter on Friday we may need an updated email address for you. You can do that by signing in on the subscription form on the lower right hand corner of the home page.Or it may be in the junk folder (no surprise there). Jen is attending a Wilderness First Responder course in Camden this week. She has been studying like crazy to refresh all of that information. It seems to take me a lot more effort to get knowledge in through the cracks and what gets stuffed in one side often forces something else out the other, much like this barn we live in. Jen studies hard because that is who she is. Colby sits nestled between us with her head on Jen’s lap because that is who she is . And I sit here content that there is deer meat in the freezer, firewood in the shed and images from last summer flood my brain with warmth and light to carry me through the long darkness ahead.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.