Captains and crew are hard at it in the Rockland boatyard, where Mary Day has been hauled up the old marine railway so they can work on the part of her that’s almost always underwater.
So it falls to me to fill you in today. I apologize for the late-morning posting. I’ve had some work to do but, let’s face it, I just don’t get up as early (Oh-Dark-Thirty) as Barry and Jen.
Hauling the boat out of the water is a major operation and the pressure is really on for the (usually) 2-3 days of bottom work. It’s mostly a process of scraping and pressure-washing off old loose paint, checking all planks and replacing a few, filling and caulking all spaces between planks, then repainting the bottom.
Above is Executive Chef de Cuisine Mary Barney wielding the power-washing wand with all the skill she uses with a wisk in the galley.
Power-washing is messy but there’s no clean work in the yard. Deckhand Becki, who was scraping, shows off the reason these guys wear respirators. She also got the fortune (see above) that seemed to be the theme for the day.
Luckily, the weather looks great for the next couple of days. So they should be able to make the Mary Day “tight as a tick” as Captain Barry likes to say.
All for today, Jim Dugan
(Captains: feel free to correct anything I got wrong)