Just a day’s drive from your doorstep.
There is an old Bert and I story that tells the tale of Camden Pierce who won a trip to New York City. Upon his arrival home, he was asked about how he liked New York. His response was that there was so much goin’ on at the depot he never did get to see the village.
It is odd to me that people fly around the world looking for “Shangri-La” and arrive back home exhausted. Guests often ask us what we do in the winter. Do we go on vacation? Do we take the schooner to the Caribbean or Florida? Nope. We stay right here. There is so much going on here in Maine (it is Vacationland after all) why go anywhere else?

And the best part about Maine is that many folks live within driving distance. As I like to say, “Close to home, closer to heaven.” Driving here can be a real headache if you try the Maine Turnpike at 6:00 PM on a Friday afternoon. Timing is everything. A little prior planning can be the difference between exploring our out of the way wonders and sitting in traffic with hundreds of new-found neighbors and friends who aren’t afraid to tell you (if you know sign language) that you’re # 1.
We have compiled a list of some of our favorite things to do within a short drive of Camden. If you are here for one of our quick get-aways you have time on either end of your precious week to check out a few more local wonders. These are the things we think about doing on our very few occasional quiet moments. So join us for a 3 or 4-day cruise and savor our quaint little villages. This is probably about as close to heaven as I’ll ever get.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
Capt. Barry