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Off Center Harbor

Good morning everyone. Hope you folks enjoyed the Thanksgiving holiday surrounded by friends and family. Some of you folks lucky enough to have sailed with us during our Seamanship and Sail Training course several years ago may remember Steve Stone, filmmaker extraordinaire. Steve spent several days interviewing guests and documenting the process through which students become working crew. Though it doesn’t appear in this video Steve even documented how to sail a schooner backwards…parallel parking, if you will. I can’t wait to see that footage. At any rate, here it is, the finished product:The Schooner Mary Day, An Evolutionary Remembrance.

If you have never seen it, is a membership website that brings you inside the world of classic boats. Their growing collection of 140+ videos give you rare access to the leading craftspeople who build, restore and sail these wonderful boats. Though the link above gives you free trial access to their website this is a subscription based service so don’t expect to get all this talent and hard work for free. It is well worth the price of admission. I can’t speak highly enough about the quality of the work these folks produce and guarantee the token subscription pales in comparison to all the hard work and years of experience these highly revered professionals bring to Off Center Harbor.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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