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Where are we?

Good morning everyone. Today I have a riddle. Like many of our natural/cultural history cruises this has been a week of adventure. We have been over the horizon in several directions. The more folks return the more I feel the need to push the envelope. Early in the season this is easier because there are so few boats out here. It has been a chilly week where we have been but such a small sacrifice for such big adventure. And for folks who left the 90s onshore the respite is welcome.

So based on the the two images here can you guess where we have been. One place we get to a couple times a year because of its wildlife activity. The other place, very close by, is an anchorage I have never visited in the last thirty years. The north wind and clear weather were perfect for both places, one on the way to the other. We did discover one thing. At this time of year puffins are not nearly as numerous in the late afternoon as they are mid-morning.

Well, enough hints. Any guesses?

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

maine seabirds, puffins and nature cruises, maine windjammer, schooner Mary Day
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