Good morning evryone. Well this has been a truly whirlwind week. We enjoyed two 3-day cruises back to back, a couple of teasers if you will. And once again the decks were full of great folks. We thoroughly enjoyed everyone and only wished for more time with them. A quick turn around to board again on Wednesday went more smoothly than I can ever remember.
The 3-day cruises are a chance for folks who have a little hesitation to try windjamming on for size. And by the reservations we received as people were climbing off I would say the fit was a good one. The sailing weather was quiet this week, unlike a year ago when a micro burst hit us square in the anchorage. Some of our returning guests had been aboard for that one and remembered it well.
The upcoming week is our sail training cruise that we offer in conjunction with the Wooden Boat School. Jen and the kids will be off visiting Grandma.
I will do my best to get back into my blogging routine as the cell signal and time allow. Forgive my intermission this week.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.