Hey Y’all. Good morning everyone. I just returned from an unexpected trip to Texas taking a very long plane ride to take a very quick boat ride from Galveston to Texas City to bring Elissa from her year round berth at the Texas Seaport Museum to the Bollinger Shipyard for several weeks in the dry dock.
Somehow as luck would have it I was able to sneak out between snow events and enjoy a day in the sun. Once again the volunteers and museum staff made my job a simple one; just 9 miles up the channel to the yard and back her in to the dry dock. There was the usual assortment of moving targets to avoid: ferries, crew boats, tankers, and shrimpers. Why is it that the most shrimp seem to be found in the very middle of the channel? The Houston ship channel is one very busy place. As you can see Elissa is high and dry. For the next few weeks the Coast Guard will have a chance to give her a very thorough inspection and the ship will receive new paint below the waterline. The propeller, which gets fouled after months of sitting idle will get buffed and look like new.
You know I was just writing and dreaming last week about going for a boat ride and the feel of being aboard a moving vessel was just the fix I needed. It took all the discipline I could muster not to take a right out of Galveston into the Gulf of Mexico and set sail. Wouldn’t it be nice to go for sail?
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.