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Blockfest 2010

Goooood morning everyone. Wow! Time has flown by and I have been quite remiss in my blogging duties. Guilty as charged. Let’s go sailing so we can get away from the busy hectic pace of life ashore. I feel like I just sat down to Thanksgiving dinner and I can’t begin to eat what I put on the plate in front of me. When people ask us what we do during the winter I often wonder if they envision us sitting by the fire reading good books and drinking tea while the snow gently falls in the woods. Not so much.

The difficulty with sailing all summer is that I never get a chance to tackle all those projects on my to-do list as well as the community activities we enjoy (by the way I have now added snow mobile trail grooming and 63 Willys Jeep restoration to my resume). I will not attempt to list them all but suffice it to say Jen and I fall in to bed at night and scarcely read two paragraphs before slumber takes over. So much for sitting by the fire and reading good books.

In the barn Katie has been joined by Sara for Blockfest 2010. As part of the annual cycle we are tearing down all the blocks, sanding and painting the cheeks, cleaning and greasing the patent bearings, and even replacing a few bearings that have worn with time. With the right combination of bushings I am able to replace the worn patent bearings completely with a relatively maintenance free oilite bearing. The bottom line is that a little extra work now will alleviate alot of work later.

Well that is it for now. Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

Photos by Katie Haugen

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