Good morning everyone. Sun rise this morning in Fort Point Cove is quite peaceful. The sky last night was clear as a bell and the sun dancing on the calm waters is blinding. Grab the sun block folks, looks like another beautiful day in Maine. We are working on our photography and learning about the natural history of the Maine coat this week.

Last week was our 7th leadership academy with the fraternity Delta Tau Delta and once again they have done it with style. We ask them to push themselves through unfamiliar territory as we challenge them to learn enough skills to get the schooner from A to Z on the final sailing day. Standing bow watch, learning safe line handling and knots, steering, helping with the domestic chores, and navigation… all in a days work for these guys. And a little soul searching about lifestyle choices and leadership to top it all off at the end of each day. Then up again the next morning for a run ashore and an invigorating dip. I know it was a challenge.

Thank you Delts for what continues to be a great week in my summer. Only you fellas know how much you put into the week and no one will ever take that away from you. Don’t forget us or the fraternity when you are rich and famous or humble and struggling. We wish you all the best.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.