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Distant Lights

Good morning everyone. We had a another wild and wooly sail yesterday. After a walk ashore we left Bar Harbor with a reef in the mainsail. The wind had come NW and was gusty at times, maybe blowing as much as 20 knots.

Our sail of Frenchman Bay took us quite close to Egg Rock. The once painted red roof was faded by the elements. A lone bald eagle was keeper of the ledges.

I had grand hopes of getting out to Mt Desert Rock but alas the wind and tide had other ideas. So we tacked offshore as far as I dared in the confused swell caused by the previous day's SW wind. We did get a not-too far-off look at Great Duck light and a a very distant glimpse of Mt Desert, 13 miles away! The cold air next to the horizon was bending the light in just the right way that we could see the tower and keepers house. Once again gannets were everywhere.

I feel like the lighthouses are more elusive this week just because this is a lighthouse cruise. The wind and tide are what they are making for great sailing but challenging to easily get to the 22 possible lighthouses in our area. But as I told folks Monday morning before we departed, we are going to see lights the way they are meant to be seen, from the deck of a vessel under sail.

Last night we sat in the calm harbor called Burnt Coat under Hockamock Head Light on Swans Island, its beacon plainly visible between the spruce trees. This morning we will be going up to tour the lighthouse restoration project currently under way.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

Photos by Barry & Jen.

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