Good morning everyone! Autumn has made its first appearance here on the Maine coast. A cold front passed over the state yesterday bringing with it a lovely northwest wind. The air was crisp at sunset last night and we all enjoyed music and stories in the main cabin around the warmth of the fireplace.
All rightee folks, this morning I am in a philosophical mood so click off line here or be prepared for profundity Friday from the quarterdeck. A photographer friend of mine has been aboard this week and he took the time to introduce me to the photo editing software Adobe Lightroom. It has been on my laptop all this time but I had no idea what to do with it. What I find most interesting is how much information exists in a digital image. As I played around with the myriad filters I realized how much life is a lot like Lightroom. Each of us has an infinite choice of filters and which ones we chose to use is completely up to us.
We can take any situation, frame it anyway we chose, color it how we wish, even look at things in black and white. All of the information is there for us to adjust any way we see fit. All we need to do is access our inner Lightroom and decide how it is we want to focus, frame and color our worlds. Of course Lightroom takes a ton of patience and practice and experimentation. You have to be willing to see things in a new and different perspective.
So there is my challenge to all of you today. If life is feeling a bit overwhelming or lacking in color open up your inner Lightroom. Or maybe open up a friend’s version of Lightroom and check out their perspective. Refocus, reframe, recolor your life and open yourself up to a world of possibilities.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.