Good morning everyone. Another beautiful day here in Maine. The wind was quite light for most of the day. We had a chance to get ashore in Stonington. The Granite Museum was closed for the season but Jan and Evelyn Kok were in their store, The Sign of the Purple Fish, making music and custom hand crafted bookmarks and greeting cards. More delightful people you will be hard pressed to find.
While weighing anchor a flock of Canada geese flew overhead honking away. My heart leaps when I hear geese. Aldo Leopold, in A Sand County Almanac, wrote lyrically about "goose music". I have never been the same since I read his words. Sawyer was asking about the days getting shorter and the meaning of the equinox. It is unbelievable to me that the seasons turn as they do. There is plenty of science to explain all the changes but how does one explain the emotional changes of seasons to an 8 year old. We have many guests aboard from southern states that keep telling me how hot the summer has been back home and how hot it still is. While I find beauty in all parts of our country I am afraid that my body is not wired for heat. I welcome the change of the seasons. The kids were telling guests how excited they are to go sledding in the driveway soon. Soon it will be. But a few more days of heat are forecasted before the snow flies and we have more miles to sail yet. And for the present we are thankful. Good weather, great guests, the beautiful bay. It is all good.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.