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Good morning everyone. You should see the snow banks around here. Another 8″ of snow came down Saturday and the driveway is beginning to take on the tunnel effect. We had a family day today skiing at the Camden Snow Bowl. Sawyer was quite amazed at the view of Penobscot Bay. We could see forever.

Last year I wrote a blog about our cat, Gussie Hodgkins. For those who have sailed with us you have heard the tale of how she was named for the heroic life saving station surfman who rowed out to a schooner on the ledges (no small feat as you can see)and saved not only the people aboard the wreck but rowed a second trip to save the poor the poor cat that had been left behind. Ted Panayatoff, our official Mary Day pharologist (lighthouse expert) on our lighthouse cruises recently unearthed photographs of the wreck of the Joseph Luther and of “Hunney” the actual cat that, after being rescued by our hero, spent the remainder of it days at the Hunnewell Beach Lifesaving Station at the end of the Kennebec River. Ted works as tirelessly as Gussie Hodgkins to keep the history of these lighthouses from fading into a distant memory. His book about the Rockland Breakwater Light, his work at the Maine Lighthouse Museum and the lighthouse cruises that he sails with us are just a few of the ways he shares his wealth of knowledge. I think we’ll name our next cat Ted.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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