Good morning everyone. A mid-winter thaw has come to Camden, Maine. The temperatures have been up in the 30s for the last week. We even had rain last Thursday. I for one am not ready to see the snow go away. The bees in our field have been taking advantage of the warm weather to clean house. Bee scat and bee carcasses stain the snow all around the hives. This last week I have been working in the barn repairing hatches and skylight screens. My dear friend Bruce is a master machinist and has been helping set up a small lathe that I found on the side of the road. With any luck and a lot of patience on Bruce‚Äôs part I am looking forward to machining new bearings for some of the blocks and might even try my hand at making a marlinspike. To see what Bruce can do with a spinning piece of metal is pretty darn cool. Like any master, he just has a way with his medium that is inspirational. If you don’t believe me try it yourself.
The ice during this warm weather has finally begun breaking up around the schooners at the head of the harbor. Every day the ice flows look different, growing at night and shrinking by day. Nature‚Äôs art is magnificent but recently some ice sculptors performed their magic in the amphitheater overlooking the harbor. And again, masters at work can create something inspirational. I was delighted to see universal consciousness at work. While I was home thinking about the potential in the ice both Jen and Jim Dugan thought to take pictures before nature reshaped its own art work. Jen was there the day before Jim and the light wasn’t nearly as good despite the similarities in composition. Jim nailed it once again.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
Photos by Jim Dugan demonstrating how a master’s eye for light and composition can make all the difference in the world.