Good morning everyone. The weather here continues to be dry with chilly mornings and warm sunny days. This week we are looking at lighthouses and our resident pharologist and friend Ted Panayotoff is sharing marvelous stories about the keepers that made these lights live and breathe. On Monday we saw 8 lights close up and one off in the distance. Tuesday we sailed offshore to visit Mt Desert Rock Lighthouse and Great Duck Lighthouse. Hurricane Bill really battered Mt Desert Rock several weeks back and destroyed the bottom floor of the barn adjacent to the keepers house. The boathouse is completely gone, save on wall that is still standing. Just imagine the seas that must have been washing over the Rock to have done damage the likes of which hasn’t been seen in many years. I have been told that the water was up into the first floor of the keepers house.

Yesterday we had a chance to walk out to the Bass Harbor Head Light from the harbor of the same name. We also had a fine chance to sail in company with the Victory Chimes. She is the largest commercial sailing vessel in the country and looked just fabulous as she always does.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.