Good Morning everybody. Fresh snow here in the Carrabassett Valley. The skiing here was great yesterday and the kids just loved it. We always appreciate good family time and when it is doing something outdoors and active so much the better, like a windjammer vacation.
So just when I think I have left it all behind for a couple days… I was checking email this morning and we received an order for some of our coffee from the Mary Day online “Boatique”. So I realize as I am answering this person that we might be getting low on coffee. That’s OK I say to myself. We drive down the street to the Woodsman, this beautiful diner here in Kingfield. And across the street is Carrabassett Coffee, the people who roast and blend Captains Crank for us. So at 7 AM I see the lights on and walk over to see if I might be able to place an order. Tom greets me at the door with a smile, offers me a cup of coffee and assures me that our order will be sitting outside on the bench when we drive through this afternoon. And there it was, sitting on the bench as promised, for any one to take, but no one did, and there it was. So this is small town Maine. We don’t lock the doors. We wave to our neighbors. We trust that most people are good. And as if that wasn’t enough… we go back to the Woodsman to get breakfast. Now Sawyer wasn’t feeling a hundred percent this morning. His stomach was upset. I made him a cup of mint tea. The woman working alone in the kitchen could not help but notice that Sawyer was upset. Out of nowhere she started talking to us, comforting Sawyer, and stirring the bubbles out of a small glass of ginger ale to comfort his tummy. She cared enough to do something without being asked and asked for nothing in return. The food was hearty. The caring was nourishing.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good. Sorry no photos today.