Good morning everyone. We are anchored this morning in Cradle Cove and a cradle it has been all night. We are of course on our first trip of the year, a shakedown cruise if you will. I for one am delighted to be off the dock and out on the bay. The crew is ecstatic to see their hard work in action. We have received more than a few comments on how lovely the boat looks.
We departed Saturday morning after breakfast. Mary’s cream cheese coffee cake along with eggs and sausage and a fresh fruit salad made it easy to raise the sails. We did not have much wind on Saturday but finally an afternoon breeze picked up and away we went at a leisurely 8 knots, Mary Day hardly tugging at her sheets. We enjoyed a lobster picnic on the beach.
A sunset sail brought us to anchor in Buck’s Harbor. Rain fell Saturday night and a few sprinkles came early Sunday but in true Maine fashion the sun came out in the afternoon and we enjoy a good beat up the bay at 9+ knots. Seal pups are everywhere and even porpoise are in the bay.
White winged scoter, guillemots, osprey, and eider ducks are all in residence.
We even enjoyed an impromptu wedding for Josh and Karen. It wasn’t hard to find a brides maid and best man for these wonderful people. The wedding outfits reflect the festive nature of the ceremony.

Congratulations to the very happy couple (although this ceremony is only good for the duration of the voyage so don’t worry Mom and Dad. You will get your chance!).
With high pressure building in the stars last night were brilliant. Mary broke out her accordion and we played tunes in the main cabin by the warmth of the fireplace. What a way to start the summer.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.