Good morning everyone. Well we did it. Topmasts are up. And yesterday was a very long day. The crew was rigging until 8 o’clock last night and was pooped by the end. They worked incredibly hard all day. But given today’s forecast I think we can be glad for the work we did. We still have halyards to rig today but nothing too crazy. The goal is to have awnings set before the day is over and to start work sprucing up passenger cabins.
Jim Dugan took some great shots of Becki aloft. Notice her clipping in. My answer to the annual question of whether to clip in or not is pretty firm. Don’t clip in for yourself, do it for all those folks back home who love you dearly. Do it for us left behind who will forever be asking ourselves some very tough questions. Imagine if we lived our lives with this thought process in mind. If our every action looked not at how we influence ourselves but those around us after we are long gone. I think of this when I plant fruit trees or sugar maples. I think about this when I limb up pine trees. Someday Sawyer and Courtney’s kids will fell pine trees that provide clear boards and suck on the taps of sugar maples that are growing by the edge of the road. How cool is that?
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.