Good morning everyone. OK now… two deep breathes… then back to the boat. Today’s list… fill wood crates, paint bob chains, change oil and filter in yawl boat, meet guests at 1600, empty compost bin and build new lid for same, update home page. But I did have to take a moment this morning to “smell the roses”.
Suzanne Twigg sent along these 8×10 photos of her trip in August of 1979. I have done as little “monkeying” with these as possible. Dirt smudges on the originals were left intact. There are memories in the photos that have meaning for Suzanne and for the rest of of us who were not even there. Capt Buds Hawkins was still at the helm and the schooner was painted white. The topmasts were only a few years old and the staysail club had yet to appear. The schooner still had her original raised whale strakes. But the experience was largely the same. A lobster bake ashore was as treasured then as it is now. Sunsets were as breathtaking as could be.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
