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The Return of Fall

Good Morning!

It’s finally starting to feel like fall here. Temps are in the 30’s as we start our workday on the boat. Jack Frost has been seen playing in the fields. The leaves have finished showing off their brilliant colors and are now playing “capture me!” with all the children as they float downward from their branches. This change can bring sadness to some, but for us it means a time for rest and peace. We’ll be done soon with working on the boat and the docks come out in a few weeks. It’s almost time to walk away and let her rest as well. And as we drive home every day we have been graced with the most beautiful road home…worthy of a poem.

“My leaves are turning crimson,” the giant oak tree said, “It’s almost time these children should seek their winter’s bed, But how they still cling to me and gleam with crimson hue, They truly are more lovely than cirrus clouds of blue.

“And now throughout the forest – list! hear their voices ring, But ’tis in tones of sadness and sighing they now sing – ‘Alas! ’tis gone, fair summer, and winter’s reign is near, He cruelly strips the forest of all her summer cheer By killing all her lovely leaves and likewise flowers gay And driving all her fairy folk to homes of far away.'”

A Song of The Woods by Winifried Sackville Stoner, Jr.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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