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Turning of the Seasons

Good morning everyone. The season is clearly changing as summer winds down and fall begins to make it first appearance. A few of the maples are turning and the island fields are turning brown. The days are noticeable shorter. The deer are more active in the woods and fields. The first of the scoters are arriving.

Guillemots, eiders, and loons are all changing colors. We are savoring this time of year knowing that the end is coming too soon.

The weather here has been magnificent. The dew clings fast to the cabin houses even after the crew has chamoised but the morning sun eventually has its way. At coffee, guests line the rail, backs to the sun in solar collector fashion, drinking in the first warmth of the day.

I have still been swimming each morning as the "warm" ocean temperatures mediate the change of seasons. Cooler evening temperatures trigger us to light the wood stove each night. I think everybody appreciates the cabin radiators this time of year. Pumpkins have appeared aboard and the kids have carved a few jack o' lanterns. Remember roasting pumpkin seeds?

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

Photos by Jen & Barry.

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