Good morning everyone. What a week. What a great week. The impressive gentlemen of Delta Tau Delta are home by now, hopefully getting a little rest.
Thursday we had a great sail in a light NW wind that built some as the day went by so that we were taking in topsails by days end. Part of the days plan was to sail up to a local fisherman to buy their dinner straight from the boat. We celebrated with a lobster picnic on the beach and another round of schooner Olympics, the rowing challenge.
The rowing challenge puts new meaning to the phrase, “we are all in the same boat together.” Six guys rowing a boat is an exercise in teamwork. There is no practicing, no coaching, no training. The team has a few minutes to solve the problem of coordinating 4 rowers. Communication under the gun is difficult. But they did it.
Final exam day was a challenge for everyone, including me. Thunderstorms, some of which were quite strong, were close at times. Black clouds and rain smothered Belfast and passed over just 3 miles north of us while another cell passed over Rockland just 3 miles south of us. And then the wind just died and we pushed our way back in to Camden. Despite the weather the Delts kept great watches through the day and did an amazing job of tackling the task of getting the schooner back to Camden.
Each Delt will take something different home from this experience. I can’t begin to tell you about all the positive energy I saw each of these gentleman pour into the week. Each person made small choices that added up to a big week for everyone, a week I hope they will not soon forget. My hope for them is that each individual will continue to make healthy life choices. My hope for them is that they will bring some of this energy back to their chapters and positively touch the lives of their brothers at home.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.
