Good morning everyone. We had a real toad soaker yesterday here in Maine. The forecast was for up to an inch of rain but I don't believe we had that much. Just the same we had a few periods of heavy rain with light showers in between. After morning walks ashore in Brooklin we sailed off the hook. I am always amazed how adventurous our guests are. I never thought everyone would come up in the rain but pile on deck they did and we had a lovely sail. In a day and age when some folks idea of adventure is the Holiday Inn I am heartened to see adventurous humans who don't mind the idea of feeling all that nature has to offer. At one moment as we passed under the bridge in Eggemmoggin Reach the thrill of the wind and weather was quite exciting. Oddly enough with all the talk coming from the National Weather Service of how "bad" the weather would be we spent the afternoon in bright sunshine and got a great walk in ashore.
This morning we are anchored up in Fort Point Cove with a good NW breeze that promises to carry us back down the bay. Last night she really blew although the darkness often makes the wind feel stronger than it is. Just the same we dropped a second anchor the keep the bow from "hunting" back and forth in the breeze. The mud here is some of the best around for anchoring. I was telling guests on the quarterdeck about how the schooners of the late 1800s used to anchor up here in Fort Point Cove by the dozens carrying lumber out of Bangor, just 23 +/- miles up the Penobscot River. Once the lumber capital of the world, Bangor was a wild town in those days. A good NW wind like this was a god send for any captain wanting to carry a deck load of lumber to Boston or points west. We'll get ashore again for a hike at the state park here before we go and then like the schooners of 130 years ago we will spread a little canvas to the sky and ride the wind and tide a new anchorage.
Have a great day. Be well. Do good.