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Windjammer Dreaming

Good Snowy Morning to you all. Ok….let‚Äôs dream!

So this is supposed to be about windjammers and sailing vacations and one family’s “Mom and Pop” odyssey creating windjammer sailing vacations. This time of year is the “creating”. The actual sailing won’t start until Memorial Day Weekend, which may feel a million light years away for you in the snow bank but feels just around the corner for us. This time of year we dream about being out on the bay, setting white canvas sails that fill with the breeze and draw us silently along, passing hundreds of spruce studded bold granite islands, viewing seals and porpoise and eagles (24 in one trip!). Guests take a turn at the wheel, or just snuggle up on deck in the warm afternoon sun reading a favorite book. We sail “down east” to places you just can’t reach by car, away from Route One, away from the hustle and bustle of main street, and put the worries of the world miles behind us before we anchor in a small harbor to get ashore for a walk before supper. Some guests might take a small boat for a row around the harbor after supper while we ready the schooner for the evening, light the oil lamps, set the anchor light, and watch as the stars unveil themselves as darkness falls. Play a round of cards or Scrabble with new friends. Rest comes easy after a day in the salt air. These windjammer days are our warm midwinter dream.

Have a great day! We will be working in the office again and splitting some more firewood, cleaning the shop in anticipation of sanding and painting hatches next week.

Photos by Jim Dugan, photographer and amazing human being. Check out his work at the link provided.

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