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Witch Hazel

Good morning everyone. We hope you folks all survived the Thanksgiving holiday without too much in the way of personal growth. When folks ask me what kind of shape I am in I can reply, with great confidence, round! We travelled over the river and through the woods to the Adirondacks for some time with family. Happy to be back after a few days of slow time we are once again at it in full force.

Winter cold temperatures have arrived with teens and low 20s the rule each morning. Frost is slowly working its way into the ground. The last of the leaves have blown from the trees (yeah… we get to rake again) and witch hazel blossoms still cling to a few of the trees along our drive. Witch hazel is a most amazing small tree (or big shrub) that is the very last blossoming plant in the woods. As a matter of fact the flower petals can even hang on through the long snowy winter. Seeds are dispersed almost a full year later when the ground is dry. The magical branch from the tree is used for “water witching” with the most sensitive divining forks reportedly coming from a north/south orientation on the trunk. Most folks are aware of the astringent properties of witch hazel and how well that helps to soothe rashes, bug bites, poison ivy, minor bruises and scratches and even hemorrhoids. All of this cool stuff aside I find inspiration in the idea that even with the dark days of winter upon us this late flowering tree affirms life blossoming and spreading it leaves when everyone else has given up the ghost.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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