Good morning everyone. If time flies when you are having fun we must be having the time of our lives. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. The schooner has looked much like the last blog about swarming bees, a hive of activity that has spilled over into the wee hours of dawn and dusk. When will we ever learn to let a few things go instead of trying to get everything perfect at the last minute? The crew has done a magnificent job all reflected in the wonderful time we had Memorial Day weekend. The weather was perfect and the NW wind on Sunday had us passing many miles under the fresh paint on the keel.We spent most of Sunday bowling along at 7 or 8 knots with few peeks at 1O knots with just the four lower sails set. What a thrill!
As many of you guessed the secret project was a new main topmast. She is all shiny bright and standing proudly over the harbor. Here are a few photos by Jim Dugan of the topmast arriving in Camden and being carried aboard. We got more than a few looks driving the 41 foot stick through the streets of Appleton, Hope and Camden. Gracious me… hasn’t anyone seen a topmast before?

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.