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July Windjammer Cruise

Good Morning everybody! Clear blue skies here today and the thermometer is reading 8 below. The breeze died down so the wind chill isn’t nearly as vigorous as it was yesterday (15-20 below in the wind!) We spent yesterday morning with the accountant. Jen has been working furiously to get our year end books closed out. I spent the afternoon in the office catching up on correspondence and answering the phone while Jen attended a school meeting and picked up the kids and went shopping for office supplies and food while we were in town. Today we need to get firewood in to the house, a chore that warms us once a week as we make a big stack in the shop attached to the mud room. I have to fix the wood stove in the barn.

So where were we….Oh yes, our July 11th 2005 cruise. So Monday was exciting. Here is Tuesday July 12, 2005.

“Tuesday morning was sunny and calm so we went ashore at Stonington where we enjoyed the Granite Quarrying Museum and some of the neat little shops. Stonington is predominantly a fishing community with a large fleet of working lobster boats and a few big draggers. The afternoon breezes carried us east through the Deer Isle Thorofare, across the lower end of Blue Hill Bay and up the Western Way into Mt. Desert where we anchored off Little Cranberry Island, home to the fishing and artist community of Islesford. We had a wonderful sunset walk ashore with spectacular views of Cadillac Mt and Acadia National Park. “

The lobster boats come in all sizes. This one in particular struck me…”Family Tradition.” Pretty much says alot about an island fishing community. Windjammer vacations are about family time as well giving time for dad and daughter to just sit and talk. And arriving at Mt Desert at days end with breathtaking views of lighthouses and Acadia National Park. The lighthouse is Bear Island Light. Very lovely.

So have a great day. Stay warm. Be well. Do good.

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