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Sacred Places

Good morning everyone. We have had another great week. The fog came in thick yesterday afternoon and with impending showers we came to dock early. Had we anchored out I would have been underway as I write gunning to get to the dock before the rain. Hardly a relaxing way to finish what has been a great week.

After we finished playing music last evening one guest asked if we ever have "bad" cruises. Well all cruises are different and this has been a particularly high energy week. As human beings the crew would have a difficult time sustaining this high energy pace for 22 consecutive cruises. Without any control over the mix of guests that come aboard, each cruise becomes a reflection of the individuals present even if the crew could spend the entire day doing cartwheels and back handsprings. So is there such a thing as a "bad" windjammer cruise? Hardly! Is every cruise different? You bet! Do I hope everyone aboard has a good time? Of course. Can every windjammer cruise meet everyones needs? Nope. But that may be missing the point. The point here for me, and I hope our guests, is to enjoy whatever it is that comes along. This is very much a Zen thing. Or as Popeye always said, "I amsk what I amsk." It is what it is and it is always different and it is always good. There is a sacredness and mystery in every cruise if one is willing to find it. I am honored that guests share themselves with us. I am happy to share the bay with those who can appreciate its beauty whatever the weather may be.

Since I published a blog a few weeks ago one guest has been having fun figuring out where "lobster cove" might be. I have been having as much fun keeping that person guessing. Here is my answer to their latest guess:

"Someday I will take you to this special place and when you see the moon rise above Cadillac Mt. your heart will leap with joy. The amazing thing is that every place can hold this meaningful space in our hearts because we need so much to feel the sacredness of nature. It is a long lost feeling in this day and age and it hurts when we perceive others treading on our sacredness. I am not sure what the mooring placers of the world think or feel. Perhaps they feel the same sense of the sacred but express it in a very different way. Some folks collect Star Wars glasses from McDonalds while other photograph puffins. It is all the same, trying to feel special, coming out in our own crazy ways. Many years ago when I spent time on the Hopi reservation we were not allowed to use cameras in the villages on the mesas. No fair trying to steal the spirit of the place. And I thought taking pictures was pretty harmless but to some Hopi that is as crazy as my friend who has the entire collection of Star Wars glasses."

Have a great day. Be well. Do good. Respect the sacred and find new sacred in each and every day.

Photo by Barry King.

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