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Wooden Boat

Good morning everyone. We had a delightful and lively sail yesterday around Blue Hill Bay. We were tearing along on 4 lower sails, no topsails, at 8+ knots all day quite comfortably. And then with the turn of the tide the wind just died…completely flat. So we lowered the yawl boat and pushed the last hour in to anchor here in Brooklin at the home of the Wooden Boat School. We saw numerous bald eagles yesterday as well as seals and the unspoiled islands of Blue Hill Bay.

This is one of my favorite stops. This week in particular, as we examine how we impact nature and how nature impacts us, it seems appropriate to come to a place where wood and water come together in the form of hand crafted boat. The environment sculpts the people that sculpt the boats which sculpt the culture which sculpts the environment and round and round we go. The students here come from all over, just like our windjammer guests, looking for a little reprieve from the modern hurry up world. Many of you know the schooner Mary Day is a part of the Wooden Boat School each summer when we offer guests the chance to be the crew. (2 spots just opened up for this year!) So we went ashore for walks this morning and are getting ready to get under way.

Have a great day. Be well. Do good.

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